I been listening to a hell of a lot of Metallica this past week. I been working on that Metallica painting. anyway been wanting to check out some of the Metallica stuff I really never gave a chance. So I picked up "Load" SHIT BRO!!! now Blue I remember you telling me a bit back and maybe even posted a song but I remember you say how cool and bluesy some of it was. YO I'm digging it. Anyway my song of the day!
I was watching a documentary last night called "Push Pause Play" it was a cool documentary. its worth seeing but at one part they where playing this guys Bon Iver music in the background. I never heard of him before Amazing!!!! I so love that feeling you get when you find something new.
anyway the video I am putting up is live from Jimmy Fallon. thy do a bit more with this one then on the album
I was listening to Priest all day yesterday and shit just had to put up this video. these song is so good! YO was just thinking I was only 10 year old when this was going on, crazy